杏仁油用途广泛,主要适用于食品、化妆、医药领域。其特性为:凝固点在零下20以上。触觉性能好,是化妆品必备的辅料。在医药领域据《本草纲目》记载,主治咳逆上气雷鸣、喉痹、下气、寒心奔豚……除肺热,治上焦风燥,利脑膈气逆、润大肠、气秘……。现代医学研究证明:苦杏仁中的杏仁甙(V17)杏仁硒,具有抗癌、 预防衰老和心脑血管病等功效,并可缓解癌症患者的疼痛。因此,杏仁是癌症的有效克星。位于西太平洋的岛国斐济,为世界上首屈一指的“长寿之国”,又有“无癌之国”的美誉,原因之一是当地人们膳食中常用杏仁。
Almond oil
Zhuolu County is a original birthplace of “Lang Wangmao” almond. In recent years, Our company implement the production standard “Green Food” of Nation strictly. The production of almond have awarded as “Green Food with A-level Product” by the National Green Food Development Center, won the “Chinese (International) Lin Expo Gold medal”, and named “the Hometown of Chinese Famous High Quality Apricot” by the State Forestry Administration”. The production of almond extract to almond oil here, so the unsaturated fatty acids of almond oil content is up to 95% by laboratory analysis which including 63% oleic acids, 30% linoleic acid, 3% amygdalin, and contain lots of vitamins and minerals. It is a natural replacement to mineral oil.
Almond oil is widely used in food ,cosmetics and dedicine. Its characteristics are: Freezing point at temperatures above 20.It is good tactile properties and is essential to cosmetics accessories. |